
I used to live in South Korea and while there I worked as a doula and childbirth educator for Army families. I am a DONA trained birth doula and Lamaze trained childbirth educator. I have had both a c section and two VBACs with inverted t incision and discuss all three births on this blog.  I am no longer a working doula and do not maintain this blog anymore. There’s a ton of info here so I’ve left it up for those searching. 

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23 Responses to “About”

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Thanks for adding me to your blogroll! I love the picture of you and your son, he looks so happy and so do you! Keep up the good work. Naomi

Thanks! He was nine months old in that picture.It’s one of my favorites:)

I just came across your blog and wanted to let you know what an awesome job you are doing. I’m a member of the board of directors for Lamaze and I’m so glad to hear you will be sitting for your LCCE exam. We need more powerhouses like you. I would love to get you more involved in Lamaze. We always need volunteers. You’re welcome to email me at my private email.
Maria Brooks

You rock Amy I have learned so much reading your blog

Thanks Khira! I am so glad.

I’d heard so much about you from MamaSeoul! I’m glad I finally checked out your site! I’m so impressed with your wealth of information and experience that you are sharing. Thank you so much for allowing us to share your knowledge! I have a lot to read up on as I am going to be TTC #2 in a few months and am contemplating a VBAC!

Mommy Cha! I have heard of you too. Great work you are doing with the Moby and congrats on your success at the baby fair! I may have to break down and try one out when I have another little one:) I am glad to provide some hopefully useful information, In my quest to help other women, I find that I am really educating myself. I too will be (am?) TTC #2 and will be VBACing. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Hi Amy – I’m sure your email is on the site somewhere, but I couldn’t find it :-/ Was wondering if you had a resource for checking on different birthing clinics/midwife practices. My sister is going with one that is nowhere near the women’s hospital and it’s making me veeeeeeeeeeeery nervous. I’d like to check them out more thoroughly bc their website doesn’t say much of anything. My email is aprilwoodscary at gmail dot com.


Sent you an email!

Hi Amy, I love the new layout for your blog!! 🙂 Keep up the good work, you are doing an amazing job of spreading the word!

Thanks Jessica! So are you! Keep the comments coming 🙂


My name is Sharon Smith and I am the assistant editor of Gynecology.net. I am contacting you today in hopes of developing a relationship with your website; we have seen your site and think your content is great. Gynecology.net offer a free informational resource to both the general and professional public on several women health issues.

I hope you show some interest in building relationship, please contact me at sharon.gynecology.net@gmail.com.

Check out my blog. I gave you a blog award!

Congratulations! I, too, am due in July 2010, but this is my first. Thank you so much for the information in your posts!

Hey Amy!

I was just wondering if I could pick your brain at all about uterine wall thickness (determined by ultrasound) and risk of rupture. I am due June 7th and had an ultrasound today to look at the thickness of the uterine wall. The thickest part was .42 but the thinnest part is .24
They are strongly recommending me to do a repeat cesarean.
I know you have done a ton of research so I just wanted to get your thoughts on this.
Thanks so much,

Hi Kelly,

What I have read has said that a thicker scar can indicate a reduced risk of rupture and that a thinner scar may not indicate an increased risk of rupture. Vague enough for you? Here’s a link that may help…


For me personally, I would probably go ahead with the VBAC. There is not a enough evidence to say otherwise in these situations. They are more fear based. I think Jen from VBACFacts.com says it best…

“My lay opinion? Intuitively, this makes sense, but the studies we have are not strong enough to prove it. While it may seem reasonable to say, “The thicker the uterus, the less likely one is to rupture,” where we do draw the line at what is “thick enough?” There are several studies that focus on measuring uterine thickness via ultrasound on women with prior cesareans, ten of which are listed below, but none of them are large enough to make any definitive decisions.

When looking at something like uterine rupture that happens about half of a percent of the time, you need to include thousands of test subjects in order to get an accurate assessment of the frequency of the occurrence. We just don’t have that here. These are interesting preliminary studies that should be duplicated using thousands of women. If there is a way to accurately predict which scars will rupture, this is important information to have, but there is currently insufficient evidence available.”

My OB is of the same opinion and will not even bother to try to measure the scar. He says it is useless information.

Good luck!


Amy congrats on your successful VBAC and new baby!! I wish I were still in Korea, I’d bring you dinner or something. I love following your blog! Maybe the army will bring you my way when I have my next baby and we can VBAC! I would love for you to be my doula!!!!

Bridget! I’m so glad you commented. I have wondered how things were for you. You had a c/s with your first? The Army is a small place, it very likely could happen that we end up near each other again. I hope you are well. Please find me on Facebook!


Thank God I’ve found you!
I also have an inverted-T incision that came along one of my twin girls who was transverse(the other vertex, by the way).I’m about 16 wks along with my seventh, and I’m searching far and wide for an O.B. and hospital were, if God wills,I can birth normally. Thanks so much for the encouragement. If others have had these kind of vbacs, than I have a chance too!

Hi! You can’t tell, but I’m waving. I’m in Seoul, and working on my DONA certification. I am actively looking for other doulas to network with and hopefully be friends. I met Karen just before she left the country, but I was on vacation when she left. I would love to hear about your VBAC experiences. Oh, and I EC’d my son and am doing it part-time with my 6 month old daughter now, too.
Also, a DONA- approved birth doula wkshop is coming to Seoul in March, if you know of anyone who would like to get trained. http://journeydoula.blogspot.com/2011/08/dona-birth-doula-workshop-coming-to.html The trip is a not-for-profit event. 🙂
I would love to talk with you,

[…] a BS in Accounting and experience working as a staff accountant in a mid-sized CPA firm, a former doula and childbirth educator and a passion for fitness, FIT4MOM was an obvious choice for me. I am able to combine all of my […]

HI Amy, It was fun to stumble across this – Its been a long time since Hawaii! – Jessica Atkins

Hi Jessica! Wow, yes, long time ago but so very helpful for my journey to home birth VBAC with inverted T! I now work in pre and postnatal fitness and own a franchise with 12 locations in Colorado. Love it! hope you are well! Amy

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