The Truth About Pitocin and Labor Induction

Posted on June 9, 2009. Filed under: pitocin, Pregnancy | Tags: , , , , , |

There is a difference between elective induction and medical induction. Elective induction of labor is defined as the initiation of labor in a pregnant individual who has no medical indications for induction. Reasons for medical induction include: fetal distress, pre-eclampsia, uterine infection, premature rupture of membranes and other situations where the health of the mother or baby are compromised by continuing the pregnancy. One in five pregnancies are induced in the U.S. with some hospitals reporting induction rates as high as 50%. The medical induction group appears to be in the minority, however, since the 1999 Green Journal review reported that as many as 3 out of 4 labor inductions were performed without an indicated risk. (I cannot link the article and it is 10 years old but I would be willing to bet the stats aren’t any better now as induction rates have increased). In short that means that 75% of induced pregnancies are not for medical reasons. Research has proven that elective inductions lead to higher c section rates.

I start this post discussing the differences between medical induction and elective induction because labor is often induced with a drug called Pitocin that is only approved for use in medical inductions. Pitocin is synthetic for of the hormone Oxytocin that the body releases to cause contractions. How does Pitocin play into the reasons for induction? Well, I am going to tell you but let’s start with some background info first.

Someone asked me the other day what the long term affects of Pitocin use where. I told her that it was unknown and I started thinking about Pitocin and everything that I know about it. Here’s what I knew…

It’s a chemical synthetic version of Oxytocin
It’s used for labor induction and postpartum hemorrhage
It causes contractions to be stronger, longer and closer together than normal, which leads to epidural use
It can hyperstimulate the uterus
It can cause fetal distress
It interferes with the normal flow of Oxytocin but does not replicate the emotional responses that Oxytocin create
It can cause uterine rupture

I decided that I should learn more about it as it is becoming more routinely used. Here’s what I found according to the package insert

In the mother it can cause:
Anaphylactic reaction
Premature ventricular contractions
Postpartum hemorrhage
Pelvic hematoma
Cardiac arrhythmia
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Fatal afibrinogenemia
Hypertensive episodes
Rupture of the uterus

Excessive dosage or hypersensitivity to the drug may result in uterine hypertonicity, spasm, tetanic contraction, or rupture of the uterus.The possibility of increased blood loss and afibrinogenemia should be kept in mind when administering the drug. Severe water intoxication with convulsions and coma has occurred, associated with a slow oxytocin infusion over a 24-hour period. Maternal death due to oxytocin-induced water intoxication has been reported.

For the baby it can cause:
Due to induced uterine motility:
Low Apgar scores at five minutes
Premature ventricular contractions and other arrhythmias
Neonatal jaundice
Permanent CNS or brain damage
Neonatal retinal hemorrhage
Fetal death
Neonatal seizures have been reported with the use of Pitocin.

These are the known short term affects of use. There have been no long term or controlled studies for long term affects. Due to this the package insert says this based on recommendations from the FDA:


Elective induction of labor is defined as the initiation of labor in a pregnant individual who has no medical indications for induction. Since the available data are inadequate to evaluate the benefits-to-risks considerations, Pitocin is not indicated for elective induction of labor.

Now THIS I didn’t know. It is not even approved for use for elective induction! How many of you had routine pitocin administered in your labor? To ‘get things going’? To ‘get you over that hump’? How many of you were informed that it’s not approved for that? How many of your were told of all the risks associated with it’s use? How many of you weren’t even told it was being administered through your required routine IV?

When you think of risk vs benefit, and you are told that your baby is safer on the outside than on the inside then Pitocin induction is a risk that may not be as risky as not inducing. That makes perfect sense to me. Why would we subject ourselves and our babies to these risks for no reason other than being tired of being pregnant? Or being told that you might have a big baby? Which by the way, ACOG doesn’t even recommend induction for suspected microsomia because growth scans can be off by up to two pounds. Another common induction reason is that the pregnancy is past 40 weeks. What happened to 42 weeks before discussing induction?

Here’s what I suggest…

Learn as much as you can about induction if it’s being suggested. Learn the medical reasons and risk vs benefits of inducing or not. Find out your Bishop’s Score. The Bishop’s Score can help you understand your chances of having successful induction or failed induction. Learn about the natural induction methods and ways to get labor going. Sex and nipple stimultion and orgasms all cause the body to release oxytocin!

The c section rate in the U.S. is horrifying. Many of these unnecesarians are due to failed inductions. I haven’t discussed c sections and their risks yet but I will go ahead and leave you with this…

According to Mardsen Wagner’s interview in The Business of Being Born, he says that section rates in the 70’s in the U.S. were at 7%. It is now over 30% and no more babies are being saved than before. In fact, the U.S. ranks 28th in the WORLD for infant mortality. That means that 27 other modern countries have better out comes than the U.S. C section has become so routine in our country that most people don’t even understand the risks involved. I truly believe that the way to start lowering these incredibly high numbers is to stop the elective inductions.

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This is something I regret not researching for round one of my little family. I was so caught up in having a baby, that I did not fully plan the HAVING of the baby. Out birth plan was natural and our doctor did not discuss epiderals with us. Pitocin is something I did not put that much thought in to. Such a regret! This is the reason my blood pressure was crazy and I was administered the magnesium sulfate crap. That is exactly why I plan on being in a birthing center for round 2. That way my next birth experience is not planned according to a work shift.

Aw Bridget, don’t worry about regrets. We make the best decisions at the time we have to make them with the information we have at the time. We just have to learn from those decisions and take the time to educate ourselves. Are there birthing centers near you? I think that would be fabulous. I would love to HB but I would definitely do a center (keep the fluids at their place!).

I have a few centers within a half hour. Thank you big city! The clean up and big tub at a birthing center is what keeps me from wanting a HB.

That’s great! But it’s ok if you want a HB too:)

I did research on this and found nobody had anything good to say about elective induction, which is what our doctor was pushing so hard for us to have, as our baby was scanned and measured at the 5th percentile for size. There seemed to be no reason for the tiny size, and the groth-rate was fine. I did not see small size as a valid reason for induction, but the doctor kept pushing. I was against it, my wife and my mother insisted that we trust the doctor’s advice. So we induced. The baby was a perfectly normal size, they had messed up the ultrasound measurements (4 times). Now I am being driven crazy by the idea that my baby girl was drugged at birth with this chemical for no reason whatsoever. I keep on thinking she will have subtle or long term side effects and I hate that we will never truly know if something is related to that.

Aw, Ray, I am sorry you and the baby had to go through that. You were in a hard situation with a lot of pressure and you made the best decision you could at the time you had to make it. Scans can be off, WAY off, so it is hard to trust them and your instinct was speaking loudly to you but again, that’s a hard place to be in. Technically that would be a medical induction for unknown growth restriction so don’t feel like you electively chose to induce. I too had a few hours of pitocin in my own birth and have wondered if it caused any trouble but we just do the best we can. We are always going to worry about our babies, from conception to our deaths so don’t give yourself a hard time about it. *HUGS*

I was overdosed. Very traumaric experience. My baby was in great distress. Emergency c-section needed. I went into one long non stop contraction until epidural stopped it. Babys heart stopped. We almost died. Now we are both mental and doctors wont acknowledge picotin as cause. My milk would not let down they said keep at it. It seems the overdose fried my receptors and i dont have natural oxytocin anymore. No one told me any risks. No one will address the overdose fallout.

You noted increased frequency, intensity and duration of contractions leading to more frequent epidural administration. I wanted to point out that Pitocin administered early in labor- before baby has been allowed to turn to accomodate the pelvic opening- as is frequently done during induction, can prevent the baby from turning into the correct birthing position. With my first, I was given Pit just after my first “real” contraction. (I had preeclampsia) From that point forth I was vomiting with contractions 2-5 minutes apart for the next 15 hours. After pushing for three hours and coming very close to an emergency section when the baby’s heart momentarily stopped, he was born “face up”; which is admittedly better than your “face out”, but still- I see it as a potentially avoidable possibility.
If they hadn’t pushed the Pit so fast and so strong, he may have had time to work his way into the birth canal in the proper presentation.
Great article!

Laura, thanks for commenting! I am not so sure that your OP babe was ‘better’ than my face first presentation. You had back labor and vomiting, I had a relatively easy (albeit never ending) labor. Good points all around though.

Same thing happened to me I had to be induced at 42 weeks. With the use of pitocin my contractions were so close and painful that lead me having to get an epidural. My son’s head got stuck in my cervix. I was exhausted and numb at the same time, unable to let my body do what it was meant to do. It was only after I was told that I would need to have a vbac since my 1st son was by a cesarean that I pulled my self together and push my son out. I had 3 children after that all natural with no drugs. My last 2 was born within 1/2 HR after arriving to the hospital. The pressure from the nurses to get an epidural is tremendous. I made them aware that I too was a nurse and didn’t want any drugs in my bab If women before us did it why can’t. We. If you can bear a toothache you can have natural birth.

system. If women before us didn’t why can we.

Hi Amy –

I always appreciate the info you provide, but I do want to point out that infant mortality rates are very difficult to compare from country to country. This is because many countries do not consider it an infant death if the baby passes within a few hours of delivery, some even consider it a stillbirth if the baby passes within as much as 24 hours of delivery. This is compared to the United States where a baby is considered born alive if it takes at least one breath post delivery.

Just thought that was worth mentioning. 🙂


It is worth mentioning and something that I need to delve in a bit further. I would be curious to know how if compared evenly how the U.S. would rank. I think that with the current ranking of 29 that even if the numbers are skewed because of how counts are done that if evened up by equal counting that the U.S. would still rank very low. I just don’t think that at such a low ‘starting’ point that it would make a significant difference. I guess what I am saying is that either way that for a country with the amount of resources and money as the U.S. has, that anything less than the top five is bad and I am pretty sure that no matter how you count it, we aren’t in the top five.

According to Wiki (whose references I checked and appear to be accurate)…

The infant mortality rate correlates very strongly with and is among the best predictors of state failure.[2] IMR is also a useful indicator of a country’s level of health or development, and is a component of the physical quality of life index. Some claim that the method of calculating IMR may vary between countries based on the way they define a live birth. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a live birth as any born human being who demonstrates independent signs of life, including breathing, voluntary muscle movement, or heartbeat.

UNICEF uses a statistical methodology to account for reporting differences among countries. “UNICEF compiles infant mortality country estimates derived from all sources and methods of estimation obtained either from standard reports, direct estimation from micro data sets, or from UNICEF’s yearly exercise. In order to sort out differences between estimates produced from different sources, with different methods, UNICEF developed, in coordination with WHO, the WB and UNSD, an estimation methodology that minimizes the errors embodied in each estimate and harmonize trends along time. Since the estimates are not necessarily the exact values used as input for the model, they are often not recognized as the official IMR estimates used at the country level. However, as mentioned before, these estimates minimize errors and maximize the consistency of trends along time.”[3]

While the United States reports every case of infant mortality, it has been suggested that some other developed countries do not. A 2006 article in U.S. News & World Report claims that “First, it’s shaky ground to compare U.S. infant mortality with reports from other countries. The United States counts all births as live if they show any sign of life, regardless of prematurity or size. This includes what many other countries report as stillbirths. In Austria and Germany, fetal weight must be at least 500 grams (1 pound) to count as a live birth; in other parts of Europe, such as Switzerland, the fetus must be at least 30 centimeters (12 inches) long. In Belgium and France, births at less than 26 weeks of pregnancy are registered as lifeless.[4] And some countries don’t reliably register babies who die within the first 24 hours of birth. Thus, the United States is sure to report higher infant mortality rates. For this very reason, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which collects the European numbers, warns of head-to-head comparisons by country.”[5] However, all of the countries named adopted the WHO definition in the late 1980s or early 1990s.[6]

WOW. So, in France, Little D is TRULY totally 100% miraculous. She would have been registered as “lifeless” just by virtue of having been born at 24 weeks… how do you then explain that she’s going to be two in a few short months and is FULL of life?!
No, really- I would argue that that would potentially raise our worldwide standing in some aspects, while lowering it in others for a pretty equal balance. Which would still be moot by the mid-90’s. Sounds like an attempt at justification by the powers that promote intervention.
Again- very informative. Thanks!

Yes, and even in the States viability isn’t until 22 weeks and even then the survival rate is less than 15%. She is truly a miracle by all standards:)

“No, really- I would argue that that would potentially raise our worldwide standing in some aspects, while lowering it in others for a pretty equal balance. Which would still be moot by the mid-90’s. Sounds like an attempt at justification by the powers that promote intervention.” I agree with this 100%. No matter how it’s counted, we have very poor and quite frankly, shameful statistics for infant mortality in this country.

This is similar to why the state of Georgia is 49th/50th in the nation for education. Georgia requires ALL highschool students to take the SAT no matter what. No matter if they plan on going to college or if they are planning on dropping out of highschool when they turn 18. The people who have no desire to take the exam bring down the scores, making Georgia “look bad” when in fact, it’s because the state counts ALL exams; it is not optional here. Same with the US – from what it sounds like in the article from Wiki, the ranking is so low because the US counts many more births as a “live” baby than other countries do.

That’s a fantastic analogy! I do think that even if the counts were evened up that the US would still be pretty low on the ranks. Surely we aren’t losing so many in those categories that it would move us from 29th to the top 5? If we ARE losing that many then we still are no good, regardless of ranking. I guess what I am saying is that no matter how you count it, we have terrible statistics and things like elective induction, unnecessary sections and managed labors all play into it.

The Bishop Score thing was interesting – I’d seen it before, just not that break down of it. According to that, when I was induced with Nadia my score was a 10.

I think that EVERY single woman who is beging offered induction, suggested induction or threatened with induction should have the Bishop’s score explained to them. THAT is how we begin to understand and practice informed consent.


I was induced at 40 weeks due to microsomia. At 36 weeks they thought that he was already 9lbs, and I did not have GD. They wanted to induce at 38 weeks but allowed me to progress to 40. By their explanation I was told I could be delivering a 10lb+ baby. That scared me to the point that I was asking if I could elect to have a c-section. Never was it explained to me that the measurements could be off or that my body may be acutually able to handle that size baby. And when it is your first pregnancy that sounds impossible. I was induced using cytotec and then pitocin and gave birth vaginally to a VERY healthy 8lb 10oz that doesn’t sound so big does it? Even though I love my Dr, I feel as though I was scared into induction. I think that the micrsomia was used as the explanation for the induction and I believe that it was done for their convenience and they took advantage of my first time mother inexperience and wanting my child to be healthy and trusting that they would help me to achieve that. So, yes they say that induction should be reserved for medical reasons, but when they “exaggerate” a medical reason they seem to think they are totally justified.
Thank you for the info, you have inspired me to look at things differently and to educate myself and stand up for myself/baby the next time.

Hi Annie, thanks for stopping by! 8lb 10oz is healthy but certainly not huge:) I think that knowledge and understanding can do so much. I truly believe that a woman won’t grow a baby she can’t birth. Case and point, my mother gave birth to an 11lber, a 10lber, and two nine lbers and never had an episiotomy or a tear. She is six feet tall. My mother in law delivered my husband vaginally. She is 5’2″ and he was 11lbs+. She was not medicated. Good luck!

I had an elective induction with my last baby and was given Cytotec and not pitocin although they were planning on giving it to me if I didn’t progress. Luckly the contractions with the cytotec weren’t bad (I had pitocin with my older son) and I was happy I didn’t have to have the pitocin. It was only after having my baby that my doula I have hired for this pregnancy started telling me some of the isssues with cytotec that my doc nor the nurses told me before giving it to me. I am so happy you have started this blog to give us mommys info our docs won’t.

Cytotec is dangerous. I will be doing a piece on it. I am so glad you have found a great doula!

I know. when I scheduled the induction I just assumed it would be pitocin, it wasn’t until I got there that my doc told me I would be given cytotec. I didn’t ask any questions (bad me) I was just happy not to get the pitocin since I remembered it from having Anthony.

[…] The Truth About Pitocin and Labor Induction […]

Man, I had about two ours of pit /KNOWING all of this because my water had been broken for 18 hours and they were using scare tactics on my sleep-deprived pre-birth mind.
I did, however, tell them to please remove it as soon as my contractions started. They said they couldn’t. I told them yes they could…so they did. ;O)

Good for you! Taking charge is sometimes the only way to accomplish our goals. We must take responsibility for our babies and our bodies. You were educated on it and you knew what was right for you and guess what?????

It worked.

Imagine that:)

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[…] With an Inverted T Incision and Face PresentationOptimal Fetal Positioning for a Better BirthThe Truth About Pitocin and Labor InductionCytotec is Bad StuffA History of VBACs and Cesareans in the USAReporting Cytotec Induction to the […]

[…] Posts "Pit To Distress"The Truth About Pitocin and Labor InductionC Section With an Inverted T Incision and Face PresentationMy Birth StoryOptimal Fetal Positioning […]

[…] induced more and more and for more and more reasons that really are not means for induction. In my Truth About Pitocin post, I discussed the difference between medical inductions and elective inductions. The medical […]

Hey Amy…..most of that is over my head but I just wanted to share this. I had boy/girl twins on Oct. 6th, 2009. I have some early pregnancy scares which we thought were preterm labor but ended up being my sciatic and 2 months worth of braxton hicks. I did have the 2 steroid shots for their lungs to be on the safe side. All in all…we had a great pregnancy and delivery. I had to be induced at 38 weeks using pitocin. I did get an epidural mid day due to my back labor pain but the pitocin wasn’t too bad. I had a routine delivery considering the fact we had to be in the OR on the chance of emergency delivery. I had my angels vaginally and only 4 minutes apart. I know this isn’t the story for most but it is my story and just wanted to share. I didn’t see the negative side to pitocin…though I am sure there is such and the facts are the facts. Thanks for this informational site!!!

Kelli, Congats on the vaginal birth of your twins. In a system that highly manages twin pregnancy and birth and were 60% of twins are born by c section, it really is amazing when a vaginal birth happens in a hospital setting. I have a step sister that also had a vaginal twin birth at 36 weeks and PROM (albeit highly managed and ‘high risk’ as well). I am glad for you and your babies that your experience went really well. My driving force behind this post is that often times there are issues and the increasing routine use of pitocin without understanding the long term implications is a very really problem. There are too many women that think that they HAD to be induced and that they can’t birth without pitocin and it simply isn’t true.

[…] Posts When Your Water Breaks Before Labor BeginsOptimal Fetal Positioning for a Better BirthThe Truth About Pitocin and Labor InductionGoing "Natural" and Being a "Hero"C Section With an Inverted T Incision and Face PresentationDo You […]

My doctor said because of strep infection I should be induced with pitocin in 2 weeks! I DON’T want this. Is there anyway I can just not do this? The risk of strep infection is low anyway for the baby and if they give me antibiotics the baby should be ok. I really do not want this. Any advice?

Hi Carrie,

Do you have a strep infection or are you GBS+? (Group B Strep). If you are GBS+, that is not an indication for induction and induction can put you at higher risk for transmission to the baby if you are induced and have your water broken as part of the process. It seems to me that there is nothing urgent about the situation if he is saying he wants to do it in two weeks rather than immediately. If I were in the situation, I’d ask exactly where his recommendation is coming from. Ask what the specific risks are of waiting versus inducing and even get a second opinion. It is never to late to switch doctors if you aren’t happy with your current one. At the end of the day, you are the mother and it is your baby and you get the final say so on any procedure. Good luck and please keep me posted.


Thanks for replying. I’m not sure if I’m GBS+ or have an infection. She said I tested + for GBS so I take it that it does’t mean I have an infection.

I think that she is being overly cautious and I really do not want the pitocin. I have an appointment next Wednesday and will tell her then that I’m really against the pitocin. I really didn’t like the horribly strong contractions it gave me with my first child. I will never forget that. With my last one, the contractions were only like really bad period cramps, nothing more. I felt blessed. I don’t want anything like the first. That was terrible and I am scared they will take me for a C section if I don’t progress the way they want me too.

Induction is kind of like ripping open a rose to make it bloom…its not natural. I realize some women have to have this done, but the doctors also do it all the time with no real need.

I will keep you posted after next week’s appointment. Hopefully I’ll just go into labor naturally. I feel like it could be soon. I’ll be 38 weeks tommorow. (dr has me as a couple days off, but I kept track of my cycle and know when my last period was) April 25. 🙂
Thanks. Carrie.

WEll I’d definitely find out exactly why she wants to induce before I let her induce. Testing + for GBS means you have the GBS bacteria colonized in your vagina, it does not mean you have an active infection. There is a small risk of passing it to the baby but this is counteracted with antibiotics during the labor. Like I said, it is not an indication for induction at all. There is more info about this on this post…

When Your Water Breaks Before Labor Begins

I definitely wouldn’t induce without a valid medical reason to. Honestly from the information you have given me, it just sounds to me like she likes to induce people once they hit 40 weeks. That’s not an indication for induction either, in fact, it’s 42 weeks before medically indicated.

Do keep me posted, let me know how your 38 week appt goes. Good luck!

Click to access MP_Late_Preterm_Birth-Every_Week_Matters_3-24-06.pdf

Hello Carrie,
Take a look at what the March of Dimes has to say about the newly classified “late pre term babies.” I have posted the link above.
It is very important that you make sure of the reason for induction. GBS+ can cause problems and the current standard of care is IV antibiotics in labor to prevent the baby from acquiring an infection during the birth, not induction. As a midwife I strongly advise you to talk to your Physician and make your wishes known. No induction unless there is a valid medical indication for the procedure. Don’t forget that you are entitled to seek a second opinion.
Let labor begin naturally and normally. This is the sign that your baby is ready to be born!

I am a 30 year old healthy female from India. I had gone through all the natural birth classes with my husband and decided we wanted to let nature take its course during labor. Little did I know that everything would go all wrong and never fathomed that I would not bring my baby home.I carried my first pregnancy to term at almost 39 weeks after which my waters started leaking. I was induced with Pitocin (Syntocinon Drip) 10 hrs later. My cervix failed to dilate beyond 3cm even after Pitocin dosage was increased. Fetal heart rate was monitored continously however after 11hrs of Pitocin, no dilation I was taken for emergency c-section. The Doctor said she could obtain heart rate going into surgery. After delivery, my baby was limp and did not breathe. They failed to resucitate, he died few hours later and asphyxia was determined as cause of death. I am 5’2 in height, pre-pregnancy weighed 42kg and at term 63kg. The baby was almost 4kg. My Haemoglobin was 12.8, normal blood sugar, no indicated issues.

In India, neonatal death is not given the attention it needs. My family chose not to do autopsy but the medical attendees did not give any explanation either. They just said it is unfortunate and not predicted as it was a normal low-risk pregnancy with mother or baby having no detectable health issues. The Pitocin given was causing intense contractions that I keep thinking it caused my baby to be deprived of oxygen and no one did anything about it and I should have stopped it but I made the mistake of trusting my doctor. It just went all wrong. This happened in a well staffed Private Nursing Home but yet there are no studies conducted in this country and neonatal death to varied reasons happen often. I cannot imagine what happens to mothers and babies in government hospitals with no facilities.

They do call it unexplained still birth if babies don’t live till 24hrs and here people don’t memorialize their lost babies they try and forget them! The hindu religion believes that souls are reincarnated in some form or the other. Myself as a christian believe my baby is in heaven and pray to see him again one day.

Yes, Habari, your baby is in Heaven and you will see him again. (((hugs)))

This is Carrie again and I realized that I didn’t update. I was due to be induced on Jan 27th, but the doctor called and said he had too much going on that day to induce me. I was sad because I thought I’d meet my baby that day and was mentally prepared and my husband had taken the day off and everything. God had other plans and I went into labor early morning on January 29th and had my baby(Jacob) a couple hours after labor began.

When I got to the hospital I was already 4 cm. They hooked me up to an IV and ran antibiotics and Pitocin. I was upset about the Pitocin, but it was hard to argue with them because my contractions were so strong. I did ask them why they were giving it to me.(I felt I was progressing more then enough) They said it was because it was my fourth and they wanted my uterus to contract afterwards. I felt they sprung this on me at a time when it was hard to argue. Why are doctors so into using this drug. I just don’t think it was necessary with my case at all.
My baby was born not long after and he was 7 lb 13 oz.
Thank you for the information on this site.

[…] If this post offends you, go check out a movie called The Business of Being Born or check out some sites like this. […]

[…] a time limit on how long the water can be broken before intervening.  Augmenting labor with pitocin can make labor go faster but it also interupts the normal flow of hormones and makes labor much […]

I’m being induced in 2 days. I have bursitis in my right hip for nearly 2 years. Bursitis is not considered a valid reason for induction by most medical standards, but its probably my only chance at a vaginal birth. If i continue my pregnancy, my hips will not allow me birth my child. So before you condemn induction and women who use it for “non-medical” reasons, please consider that cases such as mine still count toward the statistics as elective induction, even though i’d have to have a csection otherwise

Frankly, I think you are being sensitive. I do not judge you for choosing to induce in your situation and I would probably do the same thing in that situation. You have a great reason to induce and you aren’t doing it because you went past your due date or because you are tired of being pregnant. You’ve looked at your situation and made what sounds like an informed decision on behalf of your unique circumstances. Please do not insinuate that my article would not approve as the intention was to discuss how overused pitocin is and what is labeled usage is rather than to criticize individual situations. Good luck to you, I hope that you have a smooth induction and a beautiful birth. Congratulations!


I, SO, wish I could post that last paragraph as my FB status without offending a lot of people.

Thank you DoulaMomma for this article. I am 33 weeks pregnant with my first, and been studying natural childbirth in preparation. I have a severe gallbladder condition that is being closely monitored but my midwife brought up the possibility of induction (IF and ONLY IF my liver enzymes are elevated or other extreme cases, and only then if my cervix is ready) BUT I have a hard time finding natural birth resources that have the “if” in them! Everything is so anti-induction (which electively I am) but I need to be prepared for worst case scenario. Do you have any suggestions for what to do if they suggust a necessary induction and how I can still have a natural birth? Thank you!

[…] haben Hitze und pitocin gemeinsam? Sie sind beide des Teufels. Vertrau mir, ich habe erfahren mit beiden und das Ergebnis […]

[…] rate was steadily getting more irratic and my contractions where slowing down so we agreed to a pitocin drip to regulate, speed up and intensify the contractions. The pitocin would momentarily cause […]


Thank you for your very interesting and informative articles and comments. As a Labor and Delivery nurse my comment is this: EVERY single induction we do has a bishop score done and documented prior to any induction intervention, AND we have a consent that must be signed by both the OB and the patient prior to any cytotec use. Some of the comments here were a bit offensive to those of us in the profession that take pride in our jobs and the care we give our patients. Everyone should absolutly advocate for themselves, and ask as many questions as they need to to feel they have been properly informed on any interventions that may take place. I consistantly educate my patients during the entire labor, deivery, and recovery process and encourage them to ask questions whenever they want. ANY good caregiver would do the same. I also encourage patients to make their own decisions about their care and not be swayed one way or the other by anyone. They need to do what is best for them and their baby……even if I don’t always agree with their choices.

Reblogged this on Daisiey and Buggy's World and commented:
Great blog with thoughts on labor & induction. I was given Pitocin during my first delivery because my water had broken and I was making ZERO progress. I’m not sure I’d agree to it again.

With my first child I was unaware of the dangers of pitocin

With my first child I was unaware of the dangers of pitocin. I was having a lot of contractions very close together at 29 weeks. I called my doctor through out the day to keep her updated. Finally she told me to go to the hospital. When we got there the contractions slowed down so they sent me home telling me to take tylenol Pm for the pain? On the way home they started again very painful and close together I was scared so I went back. When we got there they monitored the contraction again they slowed down. This time they called my dr. who decided to induce .I listen to my dr. because I trusted her. My son has since been diagnoised with ASD and I feel so guilty. My husband and I are being very proactive in getting my son all the therapy possible, but I still wish I would have know how dangerous pitocin was.

[…] series of seemingly insignificant circumstances and decisions – i.e. when your water breaks, pitocin and labor induction, position of the baby, […]

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I lost my beloved daughter a week ago as a result of brain cancer. She was induced with Pitocin. She became ill in her early twenties, diagnosed with fourth ventricular ependymoma. I have spoken to many other parents whose children were induced with this drug. Too many of their children have brain problems, these ranging from autism to epilepsy, to tumors. The evidence suggesting Pitocin long-term affects are dangerous–particularly to the brains of the infants induced–is becoming critical. WE MUST GET THIS DRUG BANNED. Thank you for being suspicious of Pitocin. In parts of Europe I believe the drug is banned.

Pitocin was used to begin (induce) labor in the first two pregnancies. The reasoning for the first one is that my water had a SLOW leak. The second one was supposedly “overdue”. The pitocin was used to start and maintain labor. The third and last child was born without any drugs of any kind. All three children are males. The first two children have always had some kinds of problems that seemed to be within what is called a “normal” range. They were born in 1970 and 1973. The first child showed signs of problems in infancy. The other by the age of two. Now both have immense problems. I am sure it is because of pitocin.

It was so helpful thanks.

[…] by oxytocin (commonly called Pitocin.  Pitocin is a discussion for another time, but here and here are blog posts [with sources] regarding risks of […]

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How Long can you wait for Baby to come out?? I’m 41weeks and my doctor wants to induce me but i am not comfortable with inducement

I was actually induced with all three of my labors two of them at 39 weeks and one at 40 weeks. one due to baby was stressed i hadn’t really thought things over at all just was so ready to meet the baby and it was so much easier to make baby sitter planes for my other babys but now that I’m 38-39 weeks with my fourth I’ve seen more issues about this and am thinking ill be best to wait it out as long as i can because all of my other labors was pretty painfull and one of my babys did have jandice and that may be why so I’m really glad i looked up on all of this this time….:)

[…] on them at the end, like OBs pressuring them to have an elected induction (generally a big no-no, do your research). But for me, I liked having a good 4-week range in mind at the […]

I am having to switch doctors at 39 weeks because my doctor insisted on pitocin induction at 39 1/2 weeks, but I had wanted natural childbirth and did not accept the risks of elective induction. She said she would not allow me to do naturally. She said either do pitocin or find another doctor. I then asked the hospital to get involved, to help me have continued care. The nursing director asked the dr. to transfer me to another obgyn. Now I am in process of starting with a new doctor. But, tge experience was challenging because most doctors would not take a new patient at 39 weeks pregnant. So, that is why I had to get my hospital involved. The hospital said they support woman’s choice to have natural birth, however the dr. had been telling me it was required as per her order. I had to take matters into my own hands because it seemed more important to my dr. to have a scheduled birth than to support my personal birth plan. I prayed alot because I worried I would go into labor without a dr. and she might force induction. She said if i came to my next appointment, she would induce. I chose to go straight to the hospital for help with the issue. i am still waiting for new dr. to begin with me, but am hopeful the situation is resolved and I will avoid pitocin risks. However, was told the hospital will add pitocin into iv without asking me or telling me after labor and I should watch the staff carefully to see if they try switching iv bag, and tell them no if they try to. I am appalled they will do that without even asking, for someone doing a natural childbirth. So, a mother may not even know and that pitocin would go into the breastmilk. I am praying I can manage the staff, and not be so weak physically that i dont notice them changing the iv bag right after labor. I will be giving a typed birthplan that states no pitocin but they may not read it, because it is so routine, so i will have to be vigilant.

This article is copy and pasted basically verbatim from a different website which the authors have since taken down. I don’t know why this DOULA person wants to scare expecting moms with misinfomation. I’m going to take the advice from my OB over someone who only ever went to a weekend conference to become a doula… Sorry. Also don’t copy and paste someone else’s exact words, which are a biased interpretation of a pamphlet and call it your work… Your work is to learn yoga poses pressure points and breathing techniques. Leave the medical advice to the professionals. Neat blog tho.

My doc wants to induce me at 39 weeks for really no medical indication. I am beginning to think he is ordering a growth scan (today I am 37 weeks) just to make an excuse to induce me. I am refusing both the growth scan and induction and if he has a problem with it I’m going to switch OBs. My first time they were about to send me for a cesarean except my doctor worked with me and LISTENED to me and let me labor longer and I ended up having my son literal less than 1 hour NATURALLY when they were ready to send me into the OR. While I think there are many necessary inductions and cesarean a, I also think there are too many unnecessary interventions that I feel are doing more harm than good.

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